Carver County Jeremy Banken Case -- Judiciary Investigation Requested

If you have a story to share contact Theresa. Anonymous comments can also be posted at the bottom of the page. 

Public records pertaining to the Banken divorce have been reproduced here:

Below: The Banken children, deprived of their mother and maternal family by their diabolical father, while they are raised by nannies. 


Jeremy Banken
Jeremy Quinton Banken, of the Banken case in Carver County, MN, is a public figure in regards to his divorce:
  1. There was a judiciary investigation requested by a state Senator in 2012 regards to his case,
  2. The media covered the case in 2012 
  3. An appeals document  from 2013 is published online, 
  4. bankruptcy case from 2016 is published online
  5. There has been public discussion of this case online for many years.
These Minnesota cases all uphold the right to free speech about a public figure and the right to publish public records.
  1. Trivedi v. Lang affirms the right to free speech about a public figure's business claims and practices. Trivedi decision:
  2. Hoff v. Moore affirms the right to convey true information about a public figure to a third party regardless of intent: “Regardless of the motivation of the messenger, if the information conveyed is true, it is not appropriate for liability to attach.”
  3. Polinsky v. Bolton affirms the right to publish public records.

Public records pertaining to the Banken divorce have been reproduced here:


  1. MN Supreme Court Investigation of Carver County & Banken Case
  2. Jeremy Banken's Public Records
  3. Jeremy Banken's Alleged Physical and Sexual Violence Towards Lea Banken
  4. Jeremy Banken's Alleged Sexual Abuse of Women and Children
  5. Lea Banken's Allegations that Jeremy Banken Sexually Assaulted Children, Abused Animals, Dealt Drugs, and Bribed Officials
  6. Jeremy Banken's Apparent Diabolical Plan to Bankrupt his Wife and Obtain Sole Custody
  7. Carver County Gags Domestic Abuse Victim Lea Banken and Protects Alleged Abuser Jeremy Banken
  8. Jeremy Banken's New Wife -- Forbidden from Knowing the Truth by Carver County
  9. Jeremy Banken's Wealthy Background


1. MN Supreme Court Investigation of Carver County CPS & Judge Perkins 

In 2012 Senator Julianne Ortman sent a letter to the Minnesota Supreme Court asking for an immediate review of Carver County Family Court proceedings, run by Judge Janet Cain.

Lea Banken, a young mother who was divorced by her husband while she was pregnant with their third child, and was then denied access to her children with no specified reason. Shortly after the birth of her third child, the court took the baby away, giving sole rights to the wealthy father -- who has a criminal record. Judge Richard Perkins presided over the Banken case, and there are allegations that Jeremy Quinton Banken paid him off.

I called Julianne Ortman, who had requested the investigation of Carver County. She had gotten the media involved, and KARE 11, the local NBC affiliate, was asking questions of the MN Supreme Court justices. She believes the letter she wrote and the media asking questions got the attention of Chief Justice Lorie Gildea. The Minnesota Supreme Court did a judicial review. In a dark move, they wouldn't say the results. But -- Judge Richard Perkins, who presided over Lea Banken's case, "retired" in 2014! Unfortunately, he was not only reappointed in 2017 by Democratic governor Mark Dayton, but he was promoted to statewide senior judge. Now he needs to be gone for good. Call Governor Dayton here, 651-201-3400 , or email him here.

2. Jeremy Banken's Public Records

Jeremy Banken's criminal record is below. There may be more charges that have been expunged, or have to be viewed at a courthouse. Jeremy Banken appealed his DUI conviction, but failed.

Below is Jeremy Banken's civil record, which shows that he and his business have been sued 3 times.

3. Jeremy Banken's Alleged Physical and Sexual Violence Towards Lea Banken

 Apparently there are police reports and charges filed substantiating violence by Jeremy Banken towards his wife. This post details allegations of Jeremy Banken's physical assault of Lea when she came to pick up her four-month infant: Jeremy grabbed her and threw her to the ground, then when she tried to get her child from his vehicle, pulled her out with such force that her arm was bruised and swelled up. If that wasn't enough, Jeremy called the police on her for assault, got her arrested and charged, and got a court order barring her from virtually all contact with her children.


Jeremy Banken apparently also had domestic abuse charges filed against him in 2007, regarding alleged attempted rape of Lea Banken, death threats, and strangulation. Around that time Jeremy Banken filed for divorce in Hennepin County, but his case was apparently dismissed.


4. Jeremy Banken's Alleged Sexual Abuse of Women

This post alleges that Jeremy Banken admits to showering with his six year old daughter, and that he has a history of sexual abuse of women. The public needs to know about violent and abusive men, the victims have a constitutional right to tell their stories.

5. Lea Banken's Allegations that Jeremy Banken Sexually Assaulted Children, Abused Animals, Dealt Drugs, and Bribed Officials

When Lea Banken had her constitutional rights of free speech, she alleged that Jeremy Banken:
  1. Sexually assaulted his children
  2. Engaged in acts of animal cruelty,
  3. Used and sold drugs,
  4. Embezzled funds and/or bribed officials,
  5. Lied under oath.
I wouldn't doubt these allegations are true. There are literally hundreds of articles discussing the strong correlation between animal abuse, child abuse, and domestic abuse. Says one article: "Pet-owning women entering battered women’s shelters often report that their batterer has injured, maimed, killed, or threatened the family pets for revenge or to psychologically control them."

A court document says that one of the Banken children mutilated a pet. There is abundant evidence that Jeremy Banken was violent, not Lea Banken. Most likely the child learned this behavior from his father. I know a neighbor who dealt drugs, lied, was violent towards animals and his girlfriend, and tried to bribe her to drop the charges. I have seen this correlation between violence towards women, children, and pets first hand.


6. Jeremy Banken's Apparent Diabolical Plan to Bankrupt his Wife and Obtain Sole Custody 

Allegedly Jeremy Banken was recruited by a men's white supremacist hate group, which would coach highly abusive men on using the legal system to financially and emotionally assassinate the mother of their children. It is said that Jeremy Banken prepared a systematic retaliation against Lea Banken for two years, telling her during the 2009 divorce that he was "prepared" this time, "he did his homework and she will suffer."

Suffer for what? What could Lea Banken have done to be targeted with such a retaliation? Did she tell Jeremy Banken's secrets? Secrets about sexually abusing the children, pets, drug dealing?

Here is the diabolical plan Jeremy Banken apparently set in motion. It basically sounds Satanic:
  1. He claimed he found God after attacking her in 2007
  2. Donated $60,000 to a church to appear as an upstanding citizen
  3. Isolated Lea Banken from her friends and family
  4. Planted ideas among friends and relatives that Lea Banken was troubled, defaming her and conditioning them to have sympathy for him
  5. Suggested she quit her job to ensure she would have no way to be independent, and to demolish her credit
  6. Planned for her to be pregnant when he filed for divorce, so she would be unemployable and easily exhausted
  7. Cut off all financial help after filing for divorce
  8. Placed surveillance equipment in the home prior to moving out
  9. Hired a private investigator to follow Lea Banken
  10. Moved into a townhome 1/3 of a mile away so he could surveil her as well.

7. Carver County Gags Domestic Abuse Victim Lea Banken and Protects Alleged Abuser Jeremy Banken

To her credit, Lea Banken fought her ex-husband in court, apparently representing herself at times. But the court ruled against her, depriving her of her children and constitutional rights of free speech. It seems she can say nothing of her allegedly violent ex-husband for the rest of her life. The public has the right to know about violent and abusive men. What about his new wife? Wouldn't she want to know if Banken had sexually abused children and attempted to rape his first wife? Why would Carver County protect a violent man and even place children with him? Perhaps speculations that Jeremy Banken paid off Judge Perkins are true.

I believe Lea Banken. I believe the children need to be returned to a safe home, and that she needs to be restored her constitutional rights of free speech to expose a violent man to warn the public.

8. Jeremy Banken's New Wife -- Forbidden from Knowing the Truth by Carver County

Here's his new wife, as of 2017. She's about 13 years younger than him. Don't you think she has a right to know about her husband's alleged violent past, before she married him? Why has Carver County made it illegal for a woman to warn another woman about an abusive man?

Jeremy Banken's new wife has a masters in dentistry, a very straight-laced profession. What do you suppose she thinks about physical and sexual violence towards women, animal cruelty, theft, lying? Do you suppose that Jeremy Banken told her that he was a saint for taking sole custody of his three kids? What do you suppose he told her about the kids' mother? The new wife is the Cinderella in the situation. She has a right to know the truth. What will be her fate?

9. Jeremy Banken's Wealthy Background

 The claims in the 2012 newspaper article that Jeremy Banken comes from a wealthy family appear to be substantiated. As of 2018, Jeremy Banken owns a house worth nearly a million dollars on 13 acres in Cologne, and a $370,000 waterfront property in Annandale. Both properties were purchased with a down payment of approximately $75,000 cash. Adding in closing costs, that becomes about $125,000 and $100,000 cash per purchase, respectively.   


Above is the Cologne property, purchased in 2015 for $775,000, titled in Jeremy Banken's trust.

Below is the waterfront property, which was purchased in 2016 and is titled in both of their names. They were married a year later. Do you think he was using her for a down payment?

10. Banken Case Register of Actions

I have never seen a court record so long, about 15 pages. Jeremy Banken was certainly waging a war of a mental, emotional, and financial attrition on the mother of his children.  Lea Banken fought for custody of her children. She was clearly the nonviolent parent.

In addition to Judge Perkins making bad decisions, Judge Cain ruled against Lea Banken's Informa Pauperis request, which would have reduced her court costs, when she was clearly eligible. Lea Banken's court costs ran up to $25,000, and she had put many of her costs on credit cards, as Jeremy Banken was providing no financial assistance; and two years prior she had followed his suggestion of quitting her job to be a stay at home mom, which was apparently designed to bankrupt her.


Register of Actions
Case No. 10-FA-09-413
In the Marriage of Jeremy Quinton Banken and Lea Jean Banken § § § § §
Case Type: Dissolution with Child
Date Filed: 10/19/2009
Location: Carver
Party Information
Lead Attorneys
Petitioner Banken, Jeremy Quinton DOB: 07/17/1971 CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW BANAS Retained 651-361-8109(W)
Cologne, MN 55322
Respondent Dannewitz, Lea Jean Formerly Known As BANKEN, LEA JEAN Female Pro Se
Events & Orders of the Court
08/05/2011 Dissolution Granted - Judgment (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C.)
08/29/2011 Judgment (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C.)
11/16/2011 Judgment (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C.)
01/17/2012 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 08/29/2011, Docketed: 01/17/2012, 10:33 AM, Original Principal: $1,900.05)
01/17/2012 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 11/16/2011, Docketed: 01/17/2012, 10:47 AM, Original Principal: $2,500.00)
01/17/2012 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 11/16/2011, Docketed: 01/17/2012, 10:50 AM, Original Principal: $5,050.00)
02/13/2012 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 08/05/2011, Docketed: 02/13/2012, 4:14 PM, Original Principal: $4,850.00)
06/26/2012 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 08/05/2011, Docketed: 06/26/2012, 11:30 AM, Original Principal: $5,250.00)
07/24/2013 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 07/24/2013, Docketed: 07/24/2013, 12:52 PM, Original Principal: $18,550.00)
12/17/2014 Judgment
Monetary Award (Status: Active, Debtor: Lea Jean Dannewitz; FKA LEA JEAN BANKEN, Entered: 12/17/2014, Docketed: 12/17/2014, 3:40 PM, Original Principal: $24,650.00)
10/19/2009 Summons
10/19/2009 Petition for Dissolution of Marriage
10/19/2009 Certificate of Representation
10/19/2009 Financial Affidavit for Child Support
10/19/2009 Other Document
10/19/2009 Other Document
10/19/2009 Confidential Information Form 11.1 personal information
10/23/2009 Affidavit of Service
11/06/2009 Notice of Motion and Motion
11/06/2009 Application for Temporary Relief
11/06/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/06/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/06/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/06/2009 Affidavit of Service
11/12/2009 Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Relief
11/12/2009 Application for Temporary Relief
11/12/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/12/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/12/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/12/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/18/2009 Petition for Dissolution of Marriage
11/18/2009 Affidavit of Service
11/18/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/18/2009 Affidavit-Other
11/19/2009 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Kanning, Philip T.)Result: Held
11/25/2009 Amended Motion
12/01/2009 Evidentiary Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Kanning, Philip T.)Result: Held
12/18/2009 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Kanning, Philip T. )
12/18/2009 Notice of Filing of Order
12/18/2009 Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem (Judicial Officer: Kanning, Philip T. )
12/18/2009 Notice of Filing of Order
12/29/2009 Returned Mail
12/30/2009 Acceptance and Oath (Judicial Officer: Kanning, Philip T. )
12/30/2009 Notice of Filing of Order
01/06/2010 Returned Mail
02/05/2010 Notice-Delinquent Account
03/12/2010 Report of Guardian Ad Litem
03/24/2010 Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
03/24/2010 Notice of Filing of Order
04/07/2010 Referred to Revenue Recapture
06/28/2010 Pre-Hearing Statement
06/28/2010 Pre-Hearing Statement
06/28/2010 Affidavit of Service
06/29/2010 Pre-trial (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
01/26/2010 Reset by Court to 06/29/2010
06/29/2010 Reset by Court to 06/29/2010
Result: Held
06/29/2010 Report of Guardian Ad Litem
07/16/2010 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
07/16/2010 Notice of Filing of Order (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
07/16/2010 Notice of Motion and Motion
07/16/2010 Affidavit-Other
07/16/2010 Affidavit of Service
07/16/2010 Contested Custody/Parenting Time Issue
07/19/2010 Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Relief
07/19/2010 Affidavit-Other
07/19/2010 Affidavit of Service
07/27/2010 Affidavit-Other
07/27/2010 Affidavit of Service
07/30/2010 Motion Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
07/27/2010 Reset by Court to 07/27/2010
07/27/2010 Continued to 07/30/2010 - By agreement - Banken, Jeremy Quinton; Dannewitz, Lea Jean
Result: Held
07/30/2010 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/11/2010 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/11/2010 Notice of Filing of Order
09/10/2010 Temporary Hearing (12:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Baxter, M. Michael)Result: Held
09/10/2010 Motion
09/10/2010 Affidavit-Other
09/10/2010 Memorandum
09/10/2010 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Baxter, M. Michael )
09/10/2010 Notice of Filing of Order (Judicial Officer: Baxter, M. Michael )
10/18/2010 Notice of Motion and Motion
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/18/2010 Affidavit of Service
10/18/2010 Responsive Motion
10/18/2010 Other Document
10/18/2010 Affidavit of Service
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/18/2010 Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
10/18/2010 Order Denying In Forma Pauperis (Judicial Officer: Cain, Janet L. Barke )
10/18/2010 Notice of Filing of Order
10/18/2010 Affidavit-Other
10/19/2010 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
10/19/2010 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
11/02/2010 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
11/02/2010 Notice of Filing of Order
11/02/2010 Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
11/02/2010 Notice of Filing of Order
12/03/2010 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
12/03/2010 Notice of Filing of Order
12/03/2010 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
01/19/2011 Report of Guardian Ad Litem
02/03/2011 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel
02/03/2011 Affidavit of Service
02/09/2011 Report of Guardian Ad Litem
02/23/2011 CANCELED Court Trial (8:30 AM) ()
02/28/2011 CANCELED Court Trial (8:30 AM) ()
03/01/2011 CANCELED Court Trial (8:30 AM) ()
03/03/2011 Notice of Motion and Motion
03/03/2011 Affidavit-Other Index # 65
03/03/2011 Affidavit of Service
03/11/2011 Stipulation
03/11/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
03/15/2011 CANCELED Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
Fail to appear
03/21/2011 Notice-Other
04/04/2011 Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Relief
04/04/2011 Notice of Motion and Motion
04/04/2011 Affidavit-Other
04/04/2011 Affidavit-Other
04/04/2011 Affidavit-Other
04/04/2011 Affidavit of Service
04/04/2011 Memorandum
04/04/2011 Affidavit of Service
04/04/2011 Affidavit-Other
04/04/2011 Affidavit-Other
04/20/2011 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel
04/25/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
04/25/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
04/25/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
04/25/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
05/06/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/06/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
05/09/2011 Court Trial (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
05/09/2011, 05/11/2011, 05/12/2011, 05/16/2011
Result: Held
05/16/2011 Order for Submissions-Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/23/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/23/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
06/22/2011 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
06/24/2011 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel
07/27/2011 Order to Show Cause (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
07/27/2011 Motion-Contempt
07/27/2011 Affidavit-Other
07/27/2011 Affidavit of Service
07/27/2011 Affidavit of Service
07/27/2011 Responsive Motion
07/27/2011 Affidavit-Other
08/01/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/01/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/03/2011 Order to Show Cause Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
08/03/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/03/2011 Notice of Filing of Order (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/03/2011 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/05/2011 Findings, Order, Judgment and Decree-Dissolution (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/05/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/05/2011 Judgment
08/05/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/05/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/11/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/11/2011 Affidavit of Service
08/11/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/11/2011 Affidavit of Service
08/17/2011 Notice of Case Filing
08/18/2011 Affidavit-Other
08/18/2011 Affidavit of Service Index # 75
08/23/2011 Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
08/23/2011 Order Granting In Forma Pauperis (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/23/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/24/2011 Order Discharging Guardian Ad Litem (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/24/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/25/2011 Other Document
08/25/2011 Memorandum
08/25/2011 Other Document
08/25/2011 Other Document
08/25/2011 Other Document
08/29/2011 Summary Real Estate Disposition Judgment (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/29/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/29/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/29/2011 Judgment
08/29/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
08/29/2011 Acceptance and Oath (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/29/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
09/15/2011 Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
09/15/2011 Order Granting In Forma Pauperis (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
09/15/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
09/15/2011 Motion
09/15/2011 Memorandum
09/15/2011 Affidavit of Service
09/15/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
09/15/2011 Affidavit of Service
09/15/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
09/15/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
09/15/2011 Responsive Motion
09/15/2011 Affidavit-Other
09/15/2011 Affidavit of Service
09/20/2011 Review Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
09/13/2011 Continued to 09/20/2011 - Attorney Unavailable - Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Result: Held
09/20/2011 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
09/20/2011 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
09/23/2011 Other Document
10/03/2011 Motion
10/03/2011 Affidavit-Other
10/03/2011 Affidavit of Service
10/03/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
10/03/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
10/04/2011 Findings, Order, Judgment and Decree-Dissolution (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
10/04/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
10/04/2011 Report of Guardian Ad Litem
10/05/2011 Notice of Motion and Motion
10/05/2011 Affidavit-Other
10/05/2011 Affidavit of Service
10/06/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
10/06/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
10/06/2011 Affidavit of Service
10/06/2011 Notice of Case Filing
10/12/2011 Notice of Appeal
10/12/2011 Statement of the Case
10/12/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
10/14/2011 Motion
10/14/2011 Affidavit of Service
10/24/2011 Memorandum
10/24/2011 Affidavit-Other
10/24/2011 Affidavit of Service
10/27/2011 Affidavit-Other
10/27/2011 Affidavit of Service
11/02/2011 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
10/12/2011 Continued to 11/02/2011 - Attorney Unavailable - Banken, Jeremy Quinton; Dannewitz, Lea Jean
11/02/2011 Reset by Court to 11/02/2011
11/02/2011 Reset by Court to 11/02/2011
Result: Held
11/02/2011 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
11/04/2011 Other Document
11/16/2011 Other Document (Judicial Officer: Gildea, Lorie S. )
11/16/2011 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
11/16/2011 Judgment
11/16/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
11/17/2011 Notice of Filing of Order
11/17/2011 Affidavit of Service
11/30/2011 Notice of Case Filing
12/22/2011 Other Document
01/05/2012 Other Document
01/17/2012 Affidavit of Identification of Judgment Debtor
01/17/2012 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
01/17/2012 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment Index # 36
01/17/2012 Affidavit of Identification of Judgment Debtor
01/17/2012 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
01/17/2012 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment Index # 37
01/17/2012 Affidavit of Identification of Judgment Debtor
01/17/2012 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
01/17/2012 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment Index # 38
01/18/2012 Notice of Case Filing
01/19/2012 Motion
01/30/2012 Motion
01/30/2012 Affidavit-Other
01/30/2012 Memorandum
01/30/2012 Affidavit of Service
01/30/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
02/06/2012 Responsive Motion
02/06/2012 Affidavit-Other
02/06/2012 Memorandum
02/06/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/06/2012 Affidavit-Other
02/06/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/08/2012 Affidavit-Other
02/08/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/09/2012 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
02/13/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
02/13/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
02/13/2012 Affidavit of Identification
02/13/2012 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
02/13/2012 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment
02/21/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
02/21/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
02/21/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/27/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
02/27/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/27/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
02/27/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/27/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
02/27/2012 Affidavit of Service
02/27/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
02/27/2012 Affidavit of Service
03/07/2012 Notice of Case Filing
03/19/2012 Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
03/19/2012 Supplemental Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis(Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
03/19/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
04/04/2012 Other Document
04/10/2012 Writ of Execution
04/26/2012 Appellate Court Order
05/02/2012 Notice of Case Filing
05/08/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
05/09/2012 Other Document
05/11/2012 Supplemental Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
05/11/2012 Supplemental Order for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis(Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/11/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
05/16/2012 Correspondence (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/16/2012 Other Document
05/23/2012 Notice of Case Filing
05/30/2012 Transcript
05/30/2012 Transcript
05/30/2012 Other Document
05/30/2012 Other Document
05/30/2012 Transcript
06/19/2012 Affidavit-Other
06/19/2012 Affidavit of Service
06/19/2012 Request for Disclosure
06/19/2012 Order for Disclosure
06/25/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
06/26/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
06/26/2012 Affidavit of Identification
06/26/2012 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
06/26/2012 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment
07/10/2012 Counter Motion
07/10/2012 Memorandum
07/10/2012 Affidavit of Service
07/12/2012 Certificate of Settlement Efforts
07/12/2012 Affidavit of Service
07/12/2012 Correspondence
07/12/2012 Order to Show Cause (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
07/12/2012 Motion-Contempt
07/12/2012 Affidavit of Service
07/12/2012 Affidavit-Other
07/12/2012 Amended Motion
07/12/2012 Affidavit of Service
07/12/2012 Correspondence
07/13/2012 Certify Personal Service
07/13/2012 Correspondence
07/17/2012 Order to Show Cause Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
07/17/2012 Order for Submissions-Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
07/24/2012 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/07/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/07/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
08/08/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Johnson, Matthew Edwin )
08/20/2012 Motion
08/20/2012 Memorandum
08/20/2012 Affidavit-Other
08/20/2012 Affidavit of Service
08/20/2012 Correspondence
08/22/2012 Affidavit-Other
08/22/2012 Affidavit-Other
08/22/2012 Affidavit of Service
08/22/2012 Correspondence
08/23/2012 Correspondence
08/23/2012 Correspondence (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
08/28/2012 Notice of Hearing
09/05/2012 Correspondence
09/20/2012 Correspondence
09/20/2012 Other Document
09/27/2012 Correspondence
09/27/2012 Affidavit-Other
09/27/2012 Affidavit-Other
10/17/2012 Notice of Motion and Motion
10/17/2012 Affidavit-Other
10/17/2012 Affidavit of Service
10/17/2012 Correspondence
10/17/2012 Notice of Motion and Motion
10/17/2012 Memorandum
10/17/2012 Affidavit-Other
10/17/2012 Witness List
10/17/2012 Affidavit of Service
10/17/2012 Correspondence
10/17/2012 Appellate Court Order
10/23/2012 Evidentiary Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
08/30/2012 Reset by Court to 08/30/2012
08/30/2012 Reset by Court to 10/23/2012
Result: Held
10/23/2012 Motion Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)
10/23/2012 Reset by Court to 10/23/2012
10/23/2012 Reset by Court to 10/23/2012
Result: Held
10/23/2012 Order to Show Cause (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
10/23/2012 Certify Personal Service
10/23/2012 Memorandum
10/23/2012 Affidavit of Service
10/23/2012 Correspondence
10/23/2012 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
10/31/2012 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
10/31/2012 Notice of Filing of Order (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
11/30/2012 Notice of Filing of Order
11/30/2012 Affidavit of Service
12/10/2012 Notice of Case Filing
12/31/2012 Appellate Court Order
01/25/2013 Appellate Court Order
02/13/2013 Appellate Court Opinion
03/04/2013 Petition for Review of Decision of Court of Appeals Index # 74
03/29/2013 Notice of Motion and Motion
03/29/2013 Affidavit-Other
03/29/2013 Affidavit of Service
03/29/2013 Correspondence
03/29/2013 Notice of Motion and Motion
03/29/2013 Memorandum
03/29/2013 Affidavit of Service
03/29/2013 Correspondence
04/02/2013 Motion Hearing (10:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
04/02/2013 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
04/16/2013 Appellate Court Order
04/24/2013 Appellate Court Judgment
05/17/2013 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/17/2013 Notice of Filing of Order
05/30/2013 Notice of Filing of Order
05/30/2013 Correspondence
05/30/2013 Affidavit of Service
07/18/2013 Appellate Notice of Case Filing
07/24/2013 Affidavit of Identification of Judgment Debtor
07/24/2013 Correspondence
07/24/2013 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
07/24/2013 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment
07/24/2013 Request for Disclosure
07/24/2013 Order for Disclosure
07/24/2013 Correspondence
07/30/2013 Notice of Appeal
07/30/2013 Statement of the Case
07/30/2013 Correspondence
08/08/2013 Appellate Court Order
08/26/2013 Appellate Court Order
09/11/2013 Appellate Court Order
09/18/2013 Correspondence
10/31/2013 Notice of Motion and Motion
10/31/2013 Memorandum
10/31/2013 Correspondence
10/31/2013 Affidavit of Service
10/31/2013 Affidavit-Other
10/31/2013 Correspondence
10/31/2013 Notice of Hearing
12/02/2013 Responsive Motion
12/02/2013 Affidavit-Other
12/02/2013 Affidavit of Service
12/02/2013 Correspondence
12/03/2013 Motion Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Perkins, Richard C.)Result: Held
12/03/2013 Correspondence
12/03/2013 Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
12/04/2013 Memorandum
12/04/2013 Affidavit of Service
12/04/2013 Correspondence
12/05/2013 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
12/05/2013 Notice of Filing of Order
12/13/2013 Notice of Filing of Order by Attorney or Party
12/13/2013 Affidavit of Service
12/13/2013 Correspondence
12/18/2013 Correspondence
12/18/2013 Correspondence
12/18/2013 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
12/18/2013 Notice of Filing of Order
01/08/2014 Writ of Execution
01/08/2014 Correspondence
01/08/2014 Writ of Execution
03/05/2014 Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
03/05/2014 Notice of Filing of Order
03/05/2014 Correspondence
03/10/2014 Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
03/10/2014 Notice of Filing of Order
04/17/2014 Correspondence
05/01/2014 Order-Other (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
05/01/2014 Notice of Filing of Order
07/24/2014 Writ of Execution Returned Index # 1
07/24/2014 Correspondence Index # 2
07/24/2014 Writ of Execution Index # 3
09/19/2014 Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem Index # 4(Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C. )
09/19/2014 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 5
10/27/2014 Notice-Other Index # 6
11/05/2014 Notice of Motion and Motion Index # 7
11/05/2014 Affidavit-Other Index # 8
11/05/2014 Affidavit of Service Index # 9
11/05/2014 Correspondence Index # 10
11/07/2014 Other Document Index # 11
11/07/2014 Correspondence Index # 12
11/17/2014 Responsive Motion Index # 13
11/17/2014 Affidavit-Other Index # 14
11/17/2014 Affidavit of Service Index # 15
11/21/2014 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)Result: Held
11/21/2014 Order for Submissions-Under Advisement Index # 19(Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
11/25/2014 Order-Other Index # 17 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
11/25/2014 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 18
11/26/2014 Correspondence Index # 20
12/01/2014 Taken Under Advisement Index # 16 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
12/01/2014 Report of Guardian Ad Litem Index # 21
12/01/2014 Correspondence Index # 22
12/05/2014 Correspondence Index # 23
12/17/2014 Correspondence Index # 24
12/17/2014 Order-Other Index # 25 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
12/17/2014 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 26
12/17/2014 Affidavit of Identification of Judgment Debtor Index # 27
12/17/2014 Correspondence Index # 28
12/17/2014 Processed Judgment Entry and Docketing
12/17/2014 Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment Index # 29
12/17/2014 Correspondence Index # 30
01/05/2015 Certificate of Attendance-class Index # 31
01/22/2015 Notice of Motion and Motion Index # 32
01/22/2015 Affidavit-Other Index # 33
01/22/2015 Correspondence Index # 34
01/22/2015 Affidavit of Service Index # 35
01/29/2015 Responsive Motion Index # 39
01/29/2015 Correspondence Index # 40
01/29/2015 Affidavit-Other Index # 41
01/29/2015 Affidavit of Service Index # 42
02/03/2015 Motion Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)
02/03/2015 Reset by Court to 02/03/2015
Result: Held
02/03/2015 Taken Under Advisement Index # 43 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
02/04/2015 Correspondence Index # 44
02/11/2015 Other Document Index # 45
02/12/2015 Other Document Index # 46
02/13/2015 Order-Other Index # 47 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
02/13/2015 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 48
02/13/2015 Correspondence Index # 49
02/17/2015 Correspondence Index # 50
02/20/2015 Order-Other Index # 51 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
02/20/2015 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 52
03/11/2015 Correspondence Index # 53
06/17/2015 Correspondence Index # 54
06/30/2015 Notice of Motion and Motion Index # 55
06/30/2015 Affidavit of Service Index # 56
06/30/2015 Correspondence Index # 57
06/30/2015 Affidavit-Other Index # 58
07/06/2015 Notice of Motion and Motion Index # 59
07/06/2015 Affidavit-Other Index # 60
07/06/2015 Affidavit of Service Index # 61
07/06/2015 Correspondence Index # 62
07/10/2015 Request for Continuance Index # 63
07/10/2015 Correspondence Index # 64
07/15/2015 CANCELED Evidentiary Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)
08/20/2015 Order-Other Index # 66 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
08/20/2015 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 67
08/25/2015 Request for Disclosure Index # 68
08/25/2015 Order for Disclosure Index # 69
08/25/2015 Correspondence Index # 70
08/25/2015 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 71
08/27/2015 Correspondence Index # 72
09/15/2015 Correspondence Index # 73
09/22/2015 Proposed Order or Document Index # 78
09/22/2015 Correspondence Index # 79
09/28/2015 CANCELED Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)
08/19/2015 Reset by Court to 09/28/2015
09/28/2015 Reset by Court to 09/28/2015
10/01/2015 Order Discharging Guardian Ad Litem Index # 80 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
10/01/2015 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 81
10/02/2015 Early Neutral Evaluation - Full Settlement during ENE
10/02/2015 Order-Other Index # 82 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
10/02/2015 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 83
10/05/2015 Removed from Revenue Recapture Index # 84
11/03/2015 Correspondence Index # 85
11/03/2015 Notice of Filing of Order by Attorney or Party Index # 86
11/03/2015 Affidavit of Service Index # 87
11/04/2015 Writ of Execution Returned Index # 88
11/04/2015 Correspondence Index # 89
11/04/2015 Writ of Execution Index # 90
04/21/2016 Exhibit Receipt or Authorization to Release or Destroy Index # 91
09/26/2016 Writ of Execution Returned Index # 92
09/26/2016 Request for Writ of Execution Index # 93
09/28/2016 Writ of Execution Index # 94
10/03/2016 Certificate of Representation Index # 95
10/03/2016 Correspondence Index # 96
03/21/2017 Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel Index # 97
03/21/2017 Affidavit of Service Index # 98
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 03/21/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 03/21/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 03/21/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 03/21/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 03/21/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 03/21/2017
07/26/2017 Writ of Execution Returned Index # 99
07/26/2017 Request for Writ of Execution Index # 100
08/01/2017 Writ of Execution Index # 101
12/06/2017 Notice of Motion and Motion for Parenting Time Assistance Index # 102
12/06/2017 Affidavit of Service Index # 103
12/06/2017 Affidavit-Other Index # 104
12/06/2017 Correspondence Index # 105
12/07/2017 Responsive Motion Index # 106
12/07/2017 Affidavit-Other Index # 107
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/07/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/07/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/07/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/07/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/07/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/07/2017
12/11/2017 Affidavit of Service Index # 108
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/11/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/11/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/11/2017
12/13/2017 Motion Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)
12/13/2017 Reset by Court to 12/13/2017
Result: Held
12/13/2017 Taken Under Advisement Index # 109 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
12/27/2017 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order Index # 110 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
12/28/2017 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 111
12/28/2017 Certificate of Representation Index # 112
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/28/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/28/2017
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 12/28/2017
01/04/2018 Correspondence Index # 113
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 01/04/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 01/04/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 01/04/2018
01/22/2018 Scheduling Order Index # 114 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
01/23/2018 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 115
01/30/2018 Writ of Execution Returned Index # 116
01/30/2018 Request for Writ of Execution Index # 117
02/06/2018 Writ of Execution Index # 118
04/11/2018 Correspondence Index # 119
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 04/11/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 04/11/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 04/11/2018
04/16/2018 ENE Status Conference (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)Result: Held
04/16/2018 Order-Other Index # 120 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
04/17/2018 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 121
04/18/2018 Evidentiary Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Eide, Kevin W.)
03/28/2018 Reset by Court to 04/10/2018
04/10/2018 Reset by Court to 04/18/2018
Result: Held
04/18/2018 Order for Submissions-Under Advisement Index # 122(Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
05/04/2018 Transcript Index # 124
05/18/2018 Taken Under Advisement Index # 123 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
05/18/2018 Correspondence Index # 125
05/21/2018 Other Document Index # 126
05/21/2018 Correspondence Index # 127
06/27/2018 Correspondence for Judicial Approval Index # 128
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 06/27/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 06/27/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 06/27/2018
07/05/2018 Correspondence Index # 129
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 07/05/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 07/05/2018
Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Served 07/05/2018
07/23/2018 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order Index # 130 (Judicial Officer: Eide, Kevin W. )
07/23/2018 Notice of Filing of Order Index # 131
07/24/2018 Notice of Filing of Order by Attorney or Party Index # 132
07/24/2018 Affidavit of Service Index # 133
Financial Information
Total Financial Assessment 874.00
Total Payments and Credits 874.00
Balance Due as of 07/31/2018 0.00
11/06/2009 Transaction Assessment 125.00
11/09/2009 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2009-015082 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (100.00)
11/09/2009 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2009-015083 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
06/28/2010 Transaction Assessment 25.00
06/30/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-008648 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
07/16/2010 Transaction Assessment 100.00
07/16/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-009546 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
08/02/2010 Transaction Assessment 25.00
08/02/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-010335 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
09/10/2010 Transaction Assessment 125.00
09/15/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-012678 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (125.00)
09/16/2010 Transaction Assessment 125.00
09/16/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-012738 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (125.00)
10/18/2010 Transaction Assessment 100.00
10/18/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-014303 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
03/03/2011 Transaction Assessment 100.00
03/03/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-002210 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
08/22/2011 Transaction Assessment 25.00
08/22/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-008638 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
08/30/2011 Transaction Assessment 14.00
08/30/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-008890 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (14.00)
10/05/2011 Transaction Assessment 50.00
10/05/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-010269 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (50.00)
02/13/2012 Transaction Assessment 25.00
02/16/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-001323 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
06/19/2012 Transaction Assessment 5.00
06/19/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-005061 Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC (5.00)
10/31/2012 Transaction Assessment 25.00
11/16/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-009640 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
08/25/2015 Transaction Assessment 5.00
08/25/2015 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2015-006387 Hellmuth & Johnson (5.00)
Total Financial Assessment 250.00
Total Payments and Credits 250.00
Balance Due as of 07/31/2018 0.00
07/19/2010 Transaction Assessment 100.00
07/19/2010 Transaction Assessment 25.00
07/19/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-009643 MURPHY, NANCY E (125.00)
10/11/2010 Transaction Assessment 25.00
10/18/2010 Transaction Assessment 100.00
10/18/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-014302 MURPHY, NANCY E (125.00)
Total Financial Assessment 325.00
Total Payments and Credits 325.00
Balance Due as of 07/31/2018 0.00
04/04/2011 Transaction Assessment 300.00
04/04/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-003508 OSBAND, RACHEL LARSON (200.00)
04/04/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-003509 OSBAND, RACHEL LARSON (100.00)
06/24/2011 Transaction Assessment 25.00
06/27/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-006661 Siegel, Brill, et. al (25.00)
Petitioner Banken, Jeremy Quinton
Total Financial Assessment 3,581.00
Total Payments and Credits 3,581.00
Balance Due as of 07/31/2018 0.00
10/19/2009 Transaction Assessment 425.00
10/19/2009 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2009-014119 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (400.00)
10/19/2009 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2009-014120 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
12/18/2009 Transaction Assessment 600.00
01/06/2010 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2010-000198 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (600.00)
07/27/2011 Transaction Assessment 100.00
07/27/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-007647 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
08/08/2011 Transaction Assessment 16.00
08/08/2011 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-008054 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (16.00)
09/15/2011 Transaction Assessment 100.00
09/15/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-009468 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
10/04/2011 Transaction Assessment 25.00
10/05/2011 Transaction Assessment 100.00
10/05/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-010254 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
10/21/2011 Transaction Assessment 28.00
10/21/2011 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-010815 Banken, Lea Jean (28.00)
11/17/2011 Transaction Assessment 25.00
11/17/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-011777 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (50.00)
02/06/2012 Transaction Assessment 125.00
02/06/2012 Transaction Assessment 25.00
02/06/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-000986 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
02/08/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-001067 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (125.00)
04/10/2012 Transaction Assessment 55.00
04/10/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-002997 Hellmuth & Johnson (55.00)
07/12/2012 Transaction Assessment 100.00
07/12/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-005752 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (100.00)
08/22/2012 Transaction Assessment 25.00
08/22/2012 Transaction Assessment 100.00
08/23/2012 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-007020 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (100.00)
08/28/2012 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2012-007216 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
03/29/2013 Transaction Assessment 100.00
03/29/2013 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-002678 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (100.00)
07/24/2013 Transaction Assessment 5.00
07/24/2013 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-005975 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (5.00)
11/26/2013 Transaction Assessment 102.00
11/26/2013 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-009480 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (102.00)
01/08/2014 Transaction Assessment 57.00
01/08/2014 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2014-000157 Hellmuth & Johnson (57.00)
03/05/2014 Transaction Assessment 750.00
03/05/2014 Credit Waived (750.00)
07/24/2014 Transaction Assessment 57.00
07/24/2014 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2014-005747 Hellmuth & Johnson (57.00)
11/05/2014 Transaction Assessment 127.00
11/07/2014 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2014-008849 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (102.00)
11/07/2014 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2014-008850 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (25.00)
01/22/2015 Transaction Assessment 102.00
01/22/2015 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2015-000489 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (102.00)
07/06/2015 Transaction Assessment 127.00
07/10/2015 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2015-005200 BANAS, CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW (127.00)
11/04/2015 Transaction Assessment 57.00
11/04/2015 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2015-008095 Hellmuth & Johnson PLLC (57.00)
09/27/2016 Transaction Assessment 57.00
09/27/2016 E-File Electronic Payment Receipt # EF10-2016-01786 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (57.00)
07/28/2017 Transaction Assessment 57.00
07/28/2017 E-File Electronic Payment Receipt # EF10-2017-01752 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (57.00)
12/08/2017 Transaction Assessment 77.00
12/08/2017 E-File Electronic Payment Receipt # EF10-2017-02900 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (77.00)
01/31/2018 Transaction Assessment 57.00
01/31/2018 E-File Electronic Payment Receipt # EF10-2018-00210 Banken, Jeremy Quinton (57.00)
Respondent Dannewitz, Lea Jean
Total Financial Assessment 3,114.00
Total Payments and Credits 3,114.00
Balance Due as of 07/31/2018 0.00
11/12/2009 Transaction Assessment 500.00
11/12/2009 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2009-015148 MURPHY, NANCY E (500.00)
12/18/2009 Transaction Assessment 600.00
04/07/2010 Transaction Assessment 50.00
05/16/2011 Transaction Assessment 16.00
05/16/2011 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-005059 Banken, Lea Jean (16.00)
07/27/2011 Transaction Assessment 125.00
07/27/2011 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2011-007667 Banken, Lea Jean (125.00)
10/03/2011 Transaction Assessment 100.00
10/03/2011 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (100.00)
10/14/2011 Transaction Assessment 28.00
10/14/2011 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (28.00)
10/14/2011 Transaction Assessment 28.00
10/14/2011 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (28.00)
01/30/2012 Transaction Assessment 100.00
01/30/2012 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (100.00)
03/19/2012 Transaction Assessment 42.00
03/19/2012 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (42.00)
05/03/2012 Transaction Assessment 44.00
05/03/2012 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (44.00)
08/20/2012 Transaction Assessment 100.00
08/20/2012 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (100.00)
11/29/2012 Transaction Assessment 14.00
11/29/2012 Credit/In Forma Pauperis (14.00)
03/29/2013 Transaction Assessment 100.00
03/29/2013 Phone Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-002679 Banken, Lea Jean (100.00)
05/23/2013 Revenue Recapture Receipt # 0010-2013-004365 Banken, Lea Jean (527.43)
07/17/2013 Transaction Assessment 16.00
07/17/2013 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-005737 Banken, Lea Jean (16.00)
10/31/2013 Transaction Assessment 102.00
10/31/2013 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-008750 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (100.00)
10/31/2013 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2013-008758 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (2.00)
01/14/2014 Transaction Assessment 16.00
01/14/2014 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2014-000352 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (16.00)
03/05/2014 Transaction Assessment 750.00
03/05/2014 Credit Waived (750.00)
11/17/2014 Transaction Assessment 102.00
11/17/2014 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2014-009067 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (102.00)
01/29/2015 Transaction Assessment 102.00
01/29/2015 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2015-000718 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (102.00)
06/30/2015 Transaction Assessment 102.00
07/01/2015 Mail Payment Receipt # 0010-2015-005020 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (102.00)
10/05/2015 Revenue Recapture Receipt # 0010-2015-007247 BANKEN, LEA JEAN (107.57)
11/28/2017 Transaction Assessment 77.00
11/28/2017 Counter Payment Receipt # 0010-2017-004911 Dannewitz, Lea Jean (77.00)

1 comment:

  1. I just want to throw this out there. You say you want the kids to go to a safer better environment away from their dad, I don't know if you are aware of the conditions of her house. It's not in good conditions and they have to take care of 5 kids now and it's not a better environment for them.
