Derek O'Neill Sued for Defamation & Breach of Contract - 2017

Calamity News has received copies of legal documents which show that Irish guru Derek O'Neill was sued for defamation and breach of contract in 2017. Here is page one of the court filing made in the September 2017, which alleges:

 "[B]reach of contract under and blatant acts of defamation and unfair competition in connection with, inter alia, the publishing of a blog by Defendants", aka O'Neill and his company.

Page two of the Verified Complaint alleges that:

O'Neill "swindled" his client "out of over $10,000 in cash and jewelry for the ostensible purpose payments to become a practitioner in O'Neill and SQ's 'Rising Star' program.  However, O'Neill and SQ simply took [his client's] money and family heirlooms and gave her nothing over a span of 3 years.  When [his client] asked for her money back, O'Neill went vicious and rogue; first scapegoating [his client] by falsely accusing her as authoring hundreds of social media posts on the Internet where third parties spoke out against O'Neill and SQ's fraudulent practices.  Rather than fight someone [the client] once trusted and believed in, she offered an olive branch to end his terror against her."

Page seven of the Verified Complaint alleges that:

O'Neill and his company "were the driving forced behind the authoring of lies and reputational/character assaults."  

O'Neill's client had given him approximately  $30,000 at this point.

Page 8 of the Verified Complaint alleges that:

O'Neill's "monetary demands kept increasing."

O'Neill has alleged that this client is a "stalker" and that she has "harassed"him.  However, this client indicates she was simply looking for the guru who promised to teach her in exchange for tends of thousands of dollars.

Page 9 of the Verified Complaint reveals that this client has now paid O'Neill $50,000 for his promises and has received nothing in return:

47. Despite the fact that [O'Neill's client] paid over $50,000 in cash to Defendants by the
Fall 2014, Defendants still had not fulfilled any promises to provide Rising Star certification classes or one-on-one sessions with Defendant O’Neill.

48. Defendants effectively made [his client] dependent upon them, as her patients
and clients were lead to believe that she was associated with Defendants’ “Rising Star” program, because [his client] had not only paid to receive such certification, but was repeatedly promised by Defendants (between 2013 and 2014) that her formal certification and practitioner instruction would commence immediately.

49. Unfortunately, no such instruction was ever provided as promised by Defendants.

Page 10 of the Verified Complaint alleges that O'Neill's client gave him $10,000 worth of antique and precious jewelry, which O'Neill denies.

When the client asked for her money back, "that is when all hell broke loose.... [O'Neill] utterly refused to refund any of her money, despite Defendants not providing any services as promised."

In the last pages of the 25 page Complaint, the client asks for her money back, $50,000 plus $10,000 for the jewelry.  She also asks for a million dollars in damages, that O'Neill be barred from publishing defamatory and libelous statements about her, and attorneys fees.


From the court documents, it appears that the parties arrived at a mediated settlement agreement. However, this agreement does not appear to have been finalized, and it appears the parties are headed for trial.

It also appears Derek O'Neill was barred from making defamatory and libelous statements against his client. However, in the summer of 2019, O'Neill published posts again again defaming his former client. This post was tagged at 4 URLs:

O'Neill's client filed another complaint against him in June 2019, holding him in contempt of Court for his "willful violation of the Consent Order dated September 19, 2017."  These posts have since disappeared, which means that O'Neill was apparently found in contempt of Court.
The original posts have been archived for your review:

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